Ongoing Projects

What we do

The foundation’s projects cover areas ranging from culture to public health, education, human resource development and runs them in collaboration with the sister organisation in Ghana.

Our projects aim to empower individuals and communities to give them the opportunity to develop on their own terms. We listen and talk to our local partners and communities to know their needs and adapt our projects based on it.

In addition to running its own projects, the foundation makes grants to organisations who follow our Vision. 

Ongoing Projects

Currently we are involved in several projects in support with our local Partners in Ghana.

????? If you interested in supporting our projects 

Public Health

Menstrual Cups

The Espersen Foundation has distributed menstrual cups to one school in 2022 and to four more schools in 2023. In addition, we have 75 menstrual cups in stock waiting for future distribution.

Goal: Enable female pupils to go to school even during their menstruation.


School Uniforms

The foundation has donated more than 500 school uniforms and the number of students in the schools has been increasing dramatically.

Goal: Schooling in Ghana is free, but you have to buy school uniforms and school supplies yourself before joining a school.

Support: You can support One student by giving 150SEK.


School Computers

We have bought the first computers for the Mirigu Primary School, but our aim is to collect more computers which we can donate to other schools.

Goal: Computer literacy is a compulsory subject in Ghana, but most of the schools we are in contact with do not have computers

Support: Contact us if you have a computer to donate


Teak Forest